Haslemere & District Community Hospital is based in the town of Haslemere, Surrey, UK. The hospital serves a population of over 40,000, including Haslemere, Liphook, Grayshott, Witley, Fernhurst and beyond.
The Haslemere Hospital provides the community with:
Minor Injuries unit with over 600 attendances a month
20,000 Blood tests performed annually
Godwin Ward for male patients
Elizabeth Ward for female patients
Ultrasound tests and X-ray facilities
Full range of Physiotherapy, OT, Podiatry
Over 35 different Consultants hold Out-patient clinics
The League of Friends
Formed in 1952, The League of Friends (LoF) helps the hospital by providing extra equipment, enhancing facilities and campaigning for better services for patients and staff. Protect and enhance the hospital in these times of political and financial changes.
The role of the LoF is to:​
Raise the profile of the hospital by regular communication to the public, through the website, Facebook, local newspapers
Raise funds for equipment and funds for the Hospital not available within NHS budget limitations.
Act as a focus between hospital and community, and as a conduit between the health care providers, the NHS and the community the hospital serves
Monitor any likely detrimental changes to the hospital or its facilities
Act as a pressure group in order to prevent losses of essential services to the community
Run a trolley shop in the wards
Provide an annual newsletter
Provide regular newsletter updates to members
LoF remains the one constant, in times of political and financial changes to the the national health services. We aim to accelerate NHS reforms so that they can better accommodate the choice of provider, and bring care closer to home. Our ‘reason for being’ is to retain and enhance Haslemere as a focal point for care in the local community. A high priority is to support increased out-patient clinics and diagnostic investigations and treatments locally, so that our hospital may become less vulnerable in the future. This is an area in which we can financially help the NHS to develop at Haslemere.
The League of Friends was saddened to hear about the death of Professor Vincent Marks on the 6th November 2023
The full obituary can be found on our news page